“We make real what mat­ters.” That’s our as­pi­ra­tion. That’s what we stand for. That’s what sets us apart. A re­flec­tion of our strong brand, it’s the mis­sion that in­spires us to suc­ceed.

For us, peo­ple are an es­sen­tial and fun­da­men­tal el­e­ment of all our ac­tiv­i­ties. It is only be­cause of their ded­i­ca­tion that we can achieve our busi­ness goals – and we are pro­foundly aware of how im­por­tant they are in cre­at­ing value over time.

Wher­ever we op­er­ate, we are com­mit­ted to up­hold the ideals en­shrined in the Uni­ver­sal De­c­la­ra­tion of Hu­man Rights and con­demn any con­duct con­trary to these prin­ci­ples. We pro­mote ac­tions based on hon­esty, in­tegrity and re­spect.

We are a com­pany with pro­fes­sional team hav­ing ex­pe­ri­ence of more than 20 years in En­gi­neer­ing, Power Gen­er­a­tion & Co-Gen­er­a­tion. We have es­tab­lished new ex­am­ple of im­ple­ment­ing Gas En­gine base power gen­er­a­tion pro­ject, Steam Tur­bine & HFO based power gen­er­a­tion pro­ject, Com­plete Co-Gen­er­a­tion pro­ject, Elec­tric & Ab­sorp­tion Chiller pro­ject, Steam boiler pro­ject for in­dus­trial and com­mer­cial use. With a good track record, we had taken a vi­sion to open our or­ga­ni­za­tion for pro­vid­ing the tech­nol­ogy so­lu­tion by our own thought with team of 37 mem­bers who are pro­fes­sional in their own field as be­low

  • Administration & Office Management
  • Pre-Sales Consultancy
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Design & Application
  • Project Management
  • Service